I'm So Glad

This blog is dedicated to discerning why I am so glad. This may be of interest to others besides myself . . . or not. It did occur to me that at some future time I will become sad. Should this happen I resolve to close down this site immediately.


Fox and Friends

It has been amazing to watch the Papal reflections of many faithful Catholics. Some of them are even my friends. Christopher West (who I do not know) was explaining the Theology of the Body to one stunned and nodding correspondent. Chris was asked about why people don't want to listen to the teachings of the Church. He responded that some people say there is no truth. "And in response I ask them, Is that true? They say that we cannot know what is and isn't true. And I ask them, How do you know that? Then they say well we cannot be sure what we know and don't know. And I ask them, Are you sure?" I loved it.

Steve Ray, Ed Peters, Jeff Cavins, and Jimmy Akins, all proclaimed the truth of Catholic teaching. The opportunity to publicly express how John Paul 2 has shaped us and our church has been greatly used and I am proud of the way many of our lay leaders have responded.

Also very interesting has been watching the various correspondents react to the Pope's challenge to their own faith. One woman stated clearly that she was a Cafeteria Catholic. You could hear in her voice that as she spoke it, she was uncomfortable with her own lack of integrity. She will now go to her family, her friends and her children and explain to them that she chooses to go only half way. Can she live with her own dysfunction? I believe a door was opened. I pray that her words prick her conscience and that she is led to a deeper relationship with God and a personal integrity. This is just one example. Several others openly expressed their Catholic identity in a very positive way.

How often does television really explore individual people's faith experiences? Not very! This has been yet another gift from JP2. Thanks.


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