I'm So Glad

This blog is dedicated to discerning why I am so glad. This may be of interest to others besides myself . . . or not. It did occur to me that at some future time I will become sad. Should this happen I resolve to close down this site immediately.


Beginning. End. Middle.

Recently Mrs. James and I were honored to be the Godparents to a darling baby boy. This is our seventh (shared) Godchild. At the same time as he was receiving this amazing sacrament, an elderly friend was joyfully commending her spirit into God's hands. My wife attended the funeral Mass a few days later. She said it was one of the most beautiful and joy filled Masses she had ever attended. And here we stand in the middle. This is our faith. I am glad to be a Catholic. To have the sacraments which bring me into right relationship with God in the way that he chose. This through no merit of my own but by His sheer generosity.

http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p2s2c1a1.htm Baptism.
http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p2s2c2a5.htm Viaticum.