I'm So Glad

This blog is dedicated to discerning why I am so glad. This may be of interest to others besides myself . . . or not. It did occur to me that at some future time I will become sad. Should this happen I resolve to close down this site immediately.


In defense of . . .

Certainty. By Charles Krauthammer.
Always worth the read.

Back page of Newsweek, piling on? Last week George Will, now Anna Quindlen (surely more expected) attacking certainty. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/7935070/site/newsweek/
Check out this quote. "The intolerant, the monomaniacal, the zealots driven by religious certainty engineered the worst attack on American soil, and the result has been intolerance, monomania and zealotry driven by religious certainty." Did she just conflate flying airplanes into buildings with nominating John Bolton to head the U.N.? pretty much.

I definitely think there is a meme of "doubt" (or "certainty is bad") out there.


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