I'm So Glad

This blog is dedicated to discerning why I am so glad. This may be of interest to others besides myself . . . or not. It did occur to me that at some future time I will become sad. Should this happen I resolve to close down this site immediately.


Ten Reasons Not to Die . . .

. . the Dr. Kevorkian way.

This Spiked piece reviews, from a non-religious viewpoint, why a proposed amendment to Britain's Suicide act is not a good idea.

For me, the money quote: "The Assisted Dying bill will instead place an onus on doctors and carers to help individuals to commit suicide. One of the most ugly arguments to come from the Voluntary Euthanasia Society is that disabled people should have the right to die, too. We must be clear that we are being obligated to give the proverbial man on the bridge a push (or perhaps to make the bridge wheelchair accessible)."


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