I'm So Glad

This blog is dedicated to discerning why I am so glad. This may be of interest to others besides myself . . . or not. It did occur to me that at some future time I will become sad. Should this happen I resolve to close down this site immediately.


Nicaragua Feb 18 pm Broken axle

Just arrived back in Managua.  We rode here from Jinotega in this broken-down Hyundai
micro-bus which had a broken axle half way here.  It was rea-al fun.  We are going to eat
and stuff soon.  We drove from the high mountain area down to Managua through the
afternoon and shortly after we got through Matagalpa the axle broke.  The van had been
straining through the entire trip but apparently had had enough.  The Vincentians pulled to
the road side and there was a dairy farm across the street.  We looked at the cows.  They
all had big ears.  Then we drove back to a repair shop which looked more like a vehicle
grave yard.  This was when I became somewhat concerned.  It was getting late and we were
going to be half way there with no transportation.  The Vincentians assured us that it would
only take 15 minutes to fix.  It actually took 25 but that was way less than I expected.
And then we were off towards Managua again.  The trip was still a couple hours more
but I admit the ride was smoother.  I do appreciate the Vincentians calm in the face of
my American impatience.  


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